day #2/ Raw Vegan Challenge

Today is my second day in this raw vegan challenge and I have to be honest, yesterday I had literally 3 french fries and well… today my mom was trying a new vegan carrot cake recipe so I had to try a little bit. But well, there’s always going to be little things here and there.

I’m really excited because I have never been able to eat so many veggies and nonrice and pasta and stuff and that make me proud. I’m really hoping to be able to not cheat.

Tomorrow I will be going to the gym for the first time in a long time. They will be measuring me so I will have my weight earlier than what I wanted. They will also give a new plan and ideas and that makes me really happy. Oh, and I found classes of Yoga so I really excited about starting YOGA!!!!

Going back to the raw challenge, yesterday I had for breakfast a really delicious mango. For lunch I had an enormous salad, it had broccoli, carrots, tomato, pepper, onion, mushroom and a home made sauce of ajonjoli. For dinner I had a smothie, a green one; it was mostly kale and strawberries, and the three french fries 🙂 By the way, have anyone watch “a man called Ove” OMG it’s so good! I loved it. Everyone should watch it.

Today I had a green smoothie bowl for breakfast, it had avocado, spinach, mango, banana, chia and raw cacao; it was really good. For lunch, i had a Brussels salad and some watermelon. And I’m thinking of having a raw tomato soup.

If there’s anyone who wants to know how to make vegan carrot cake just leave a comment and I will be posting the recipe 🙂





Raw Vegan Challenge

Hey, not long ago I was watching some videos of some incredible YouTubers and I was really amazed of some really delicious recipes; so I’ve been cooking and I also find out that they made something called the “30 days raw vegan challenge” and I was like, what is that? so I saw some videos and then search a bit more about it, and well; I thought, why not try it?

I’ve been investigating what is this raw vegan challenge and I found a lot of amazing things. From the amazing food to incredible benefits as; weight loss, des-intoxication, more nutrients. I also read that it makes you feel more connected to yourself so I’m really excited about starting this new challenge.

So here is one of the reasons of why I will be trying to do this challenge. I will be starting tomorrow, and I have weight myself; and yeah, I gain a little bit of weight in while I was in New York, but it’s ok. It would be a hundred times better if I hadn’t because my graduation is in November so, I have like 3 or 4 months to get fit and lose as much weight as I can.

And yeah. It’s a really easy challenge and it consists of eating raw food only. So I will be writing and uploading every two or three days, maybe daily. And I will be sharing with you what I will be eating and how it is going my weight loss journey.

Update: my weight right now is 155 lb and my goal is being in 130? maybe; and by the way, I’m starting gym Monday so there is that.

Thanks and I hope you stick around and maybe join me in this 30-day challenge!!